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 Subject: RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk &
Author: cobra429 (
Date:   04-28-2004 22:01

You will need an RF switch for the TV. You can purchase that at any Radio Shack or electronics store. they also have a coax end for the RF switch to play on newer TVs' where the inline cabe to the TV is. They cost very little, under $15.00 for both.

 Topics Author  Date
  2600 woody won't output anything but blk & wht new marors1 02-23-2004 05:18 
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    RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new marors1 03-07-2004 16:52 
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    RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk &  cobra429 04-28-2004 22:01 
   RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new cobra429 04-28-2004 22:09 
   RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new Marco 11-04-2007 16:21 

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