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 Subject: RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk &
Author: Marco (
Date:   11-04-2007 16:21

My European 2600 woody has the exact same problem (it will not display anything but a black and white picture. If you switch the B/W - color switch it changes contrast). Could you let me know if you were able to fix it and which of the suggestions to solve this problem did the trick

 Topics Author  Date
  2600 woody won't output anything but blk & wht new marors1 02-23-2004 05:18 
   RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new Robyn Richards 03-01-2004 20:50 
    RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new marors1 03-07-2004 16:52 
     RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new Knightbaz 03-08-2004 16:34 
    RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new cobra429 04-28-2004 22:01 
   RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new cobra429 04-28-2004 22:09 
   RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk &  Marco 11-04-2007 16:21 

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