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 Subject: RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours?
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   01-25-2009 19:38

>>... assuming that the card "extends" existing resolutions - which I find very unlikely. It's a graphics card, not an overscan modification (such as the Overscan TT).

Erm, cannot say?

I had ( past tense ) 2 files.

One was called 800x600.prg and the other called 1024x768.prg. I guess the filenames were self-explanatory as to what REZ they gave you.

>> OverscanTT.

Id like to know where to get this... System Solutions stopped sellign it over 10 years ago and Best dont have it either?

>> Ah, btw. Don't know which drivers you're using. Draco made new ones:

I no longer have the card.
I will be honest, but I used it for a very short time indeed. At the time ,I was using Magic and while it was mint compatible, I did not use MiNT.

At the time, the speed of mint was bloody awful, and the speed of the AlberTT card is not even slightly funny so the thought of being forced to use them together simply made me vomit, and I never bothered.

I was also gutted when I found that it only gave me the 16 colours as I was kind of hoping that I had more colours more than the resolutions.

Had it given me 640x480x256 then I would have probably stuck with it, but no.

Sure, I made a mistake in selling it off, but even with the speed of miNT these days, its stilla ridiculously slow way to have good resolutions... Id still not want to bother with it even today.

If one comes up on ebay though, I wont pass on putting a bid in, but I would never waste any more than about £20 on one.

 Topics Author  Date
  Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-16-2009 18:29 
   RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new BJ 01-17-2009 07:26 
    RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-17-2009 14:46 
     RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize 01-17-2009 23:03 
      RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-18-2009 11:54 
       RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new PeP 01-18-2009 16:14 
        RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-19-2009 02:17 
        RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-20-2009 16:58 
         RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new PeP 01-20-2009 17:40 
         RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new PeP 01-20-2009 17:42 
          RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours?  FatRakoon 01-25-2009 19:38 
           RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new PeP 01-26-2009 11:42 
   RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new Petr Stehlik 09-17-2009 20:20 

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