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 Subject: RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours?
Author: PeP (
Date:   01-26-2009 11:42

Nice novel you wrote there.

MiNT has nothing to do with this. Why did you bring that into the discussion? Can you possibly stick to the subject for once?

 Topics Author  Date
  Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-16-2009 18:29 
   RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new BJ 01-17-2009 07:26 
    RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-17-2009 14:46 
     RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize 01-17-2009 23:03 
      RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-18-2009 11:54 
       RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new PeP 01-18-2009 16:14 
        RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-19-2009 02:17 
        RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-20-2009 16:58 
         RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new PeP 01-20-2009 17:40 
         RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new PeP 01-20-2009 17:42 
          RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new FatRakoon 01-25-2009 19:38 
           RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours?  PeP 01-26-2009 11:42 
   RE: Emulator with more than 16 colours? new Petr Stehlik 09-17-2009 20:20 

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