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 Subject: DONīT BUY AT bullseyes_videogames_collectibles
Author: MacFalcon (
Date:   09-01-2005 00:16

Hi folks,

I just wanted to tell you that those guys from bullseyes_videogames_collectibles really cheated me! I bought 4 Jaguar games from them in ebay, paid the same day with paypal and now three months later I still did not receive anything.

They donīt answer my mails, except one time, where they told me that they will look what went wrong... but that was 1 month ago...

I mean you can do what you want, but I wonīt buy there anymore, as I lost over 80 USD for nothing... there are better ways to spend money!


Cheated Mac

 Topics Author  Date
  DONīT BUY AT bullseyes_videogames_collectibles new MacFalcon 09-01-2005 00:16 
   RE: DONīT BUY AT bullseyes_videogames_collectibles new Nick 09-01-2005 15:01 
   RE: DONīT BUY AT bullseyes_videogames_collectibles new ao 09-01-2005 16:32 
    RE: DONīT BUY AT bullseyes_videogames_collectibles new MacFalcon 09-19-2005 14:02 
     RE: DONīT BUY AT bullseyes_videogames_collectibles new ToasT 10-18-2005 23:45 
      RE: DONīT BUY AT bullseyes_videogames_collectibles new sh3-rg 12-22-2005 20:41 
       RE: DONīT BUY AT bullseyes_videogames_collectibles new Zhooibaal 01-03-2006 12:24 
        RE: DONīT BUY AT 2many_collectibles new Victor Iniestra 02-12-2006 20:05 
         RE: DONīT BUY AT 2many_collectibles new Victor Iniestra 08-24-2006 19:55 

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