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 Subject: RE: Atari ColdFire Project
Author: Alex F. (
Date:   06-10-2003 22:58


yes, some marketing - this is what we all can do. Telling friends of this computer and so on.

I must say that I have already talked with some of them and of course nobody wants to make marketing while the machine is definately not available - and that's good, we need a new Atari before we can do some marketing. But I have discussed some methods with them which could be possible; why not printing some flyers; I could even imagine going from house to house ;) And if in 2 months of work I would find 2 new Atarians, this would be a success. And if it was more it would be an outstanding access.

OK, daydreaming so far.

But: There are millions and millions of PC-users worldwide. Most of them wouldn't buy an Atari because it's not good but because they just don't know it. (And because there's not even a dammit 060-clone available!)

Why shouldn't it be possible to get some few dozens of new Atari-users out of these millions of PC-users? We just need some guys who organize some marketing.


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        RE: Atari ColdFire Project  Alex F. 06-10-2003 22:58 
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