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 Subject: RE: Atari ColdFire Project
Author: Alex F. (
Date:   06-11-2003 12:20


yes, I'm a returner, too.
As I said before, I made some really possible plans about what is possible and what is not concerning marketing.

We can't afford TV-spots or something like that so we have to do intelligent product placement.

And finding Ex-Atari-users is surely a very promising way; there are some ways to find them:
One of them is looking into old ST-Public-Domain-Software, where the authors left their Names and addresses (some of them might still be OK, some might be redirected).
I did this and I've got dozens of addresses but of course won't do anything with them unless there's no hardware available.

A very very big point in marketing is, how a new machine is equipped with software: it must (!!!) come with all the software which is regarded as standard on other systems; Networking, Browser, Texteditor, and so on. Otherwise we can forget getting new users.

But first let's hope new hardware will be available someday...


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