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 Subject: RE: Wierd Atari MEGA-4 Things... questions inside.
Author: 82-T/A (
Date:   07-05-2000 08:48

Thats awesome! It already has a better graphics card. I wonder where I would be able to get that monitor.

What exactly are ECL inputs? Where would they plug in from on the Atari ST?
I have several different kinds of monitors... a few VGAs with 9 pins.
Do you know if they sell an adapter to use that card with a standard 15 pin VGA monitor? That would be really sweet.

How is the compatibility with that card and other Atari Games? Do the games still require medium resolution?

The Viking Controller Card has a built in little socket... with no chip on it. Any idea what that would be for? Hopefully color in that resolution?

Thanks for all your help!

Oh yeah, where can I find out the differences between the TOS versions? My 1040ST has 1.0, whats the major differences between that and 1.4?



 Topics Author  Date
  Wierd Atari MEGA-4 Things... questions inside.. new 82-T/A 07-05-2000 04:13 
   RE: Wierd Atari MEGA-4 Things... questions inside. new Anders Eriksson 07-05-2000 08:11 
    RE: Wierd Atari MEGA-4 Things... questions inside.  82-T/A 07-05-2000 08:48 
   RE: Wierd Atari MEGA-4 Things... questions inside. new Daniel Pettersson 07-05-2000 08:28 
    RE: Wierd Atari MEGA-4 Things... questions inside. new 82-T/A 07-05-2000 08:49 
     RE: Wierd Atari MEGA-4 Things... questions inside. new Daniel Pettersson 07-05-2000 19:38 

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