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 Subject: RE: What Atari?
Author: The Paranoid (
Date:   12-07-2007 10:41

No, it doesn't. Like everyone else before said, an STE has
an internal operating system and doesn't need to boot it
from a harddisk.

A 1040 ST or STE is very very very unlike to have an internal
harddisk. You will have to look for an additional external
one i'm afraid or run a disk based system, which works for
a while when getting started, too.

The Paranoid

 Topics Author  Date
  What Atari? new Chris 12-02-2007 01:06 
   RE: What Atari? new FatRakoon 12-02-2007 04:13 
   RE: What Atari? new Galen 12-02-2007 04:24 
    RE: What Atari? new Scott 12-02-2007 21:05 
     RE: What Atari? new Chris 12-03-2007 23:46 
      RE: What Atari? new Peter 12-04-2007 00:02 
       RE: What Atari? new Scott 12-04-2007 11:31 
        RE: What Atari? new RobM 12-05-2007 17:39 
         RE: What Atari? new RobM 12-05-2007 17:44 
          RE: What Atari? new Peter 12-05-2007 20:53 
           RE: What Atari? new Chris 12-07-2007 03:50 
            RE: What Atari? new Chris 12-07-2007 03:51 
            RE: What Atari?  The Paranoid 12-07-2007 10:41 
             RE: What Atari? new Chris 12-07-2007 16:05 
            RE: What Atari? new Scott 12-07-2007 18:38 
             RE: What Atari? new Chris 12-10-2007 15:30 
              RE: What Atari? new randy viau 12-13-2007 14:35 

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