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 Subject: RE: Atari modifications/add ons
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   11-11-2008 08:11

Not going to waste time looking for the posts but I had 12MB on my ST, so it is going to happen, it already has happened.

If you are talking NEW or somethign to happen in the future, then no, unless you come across a second hand one.

But mine allowed me to have my 4MB ST RAM and an additional 8MB that was treated as TT RAM.

You had to use a PRG to get use of it mind you, but a very small price to treble your RAM.

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari modifications/add ons new Scott 11-06-2008 10:10 
   RE: Atari modifications/add ons new FatRakoon 11-10-2008 07:01 
   RE: Atari modifications/add ons new karlm 11-10-2008 07:59 
    RE: Atari modifications/add ons  FatRakoon 11-11-2008 08:11 
     RE: Atari modifications/add ons new PeP 11-11-2008 11:12 
      RE: Atari modifications/add ons new FatRakoon 11-12-2008 01:34 
       RE: Atari modifications/add ons new Scott 11-14-2008 18:23 
        RE: Atari modifications/add ons new PeP 11-15-2008 11:59 
         RE: Atari modifications/add ons new FatRakoon 11-15-2008 19:44 
        RE: Atari modifications/add ons new FatRakoon 11-15-2008 19:35 
         RE: Atari modifications/add ons new Scott 11-23-2008 10:52 
          RE: Atari modifications/add ons new FatRakoon 11-23-2008 11:03 
           RE: Atari modifications/add ons new PeP 11-23-2008 13:21 
            RE: Atari modifications/add ons new jens 11-23-2008 17:25 
             RE: Atari modifications/add ons new FatRakoon 11-25-2008 01:53 
              RE: Atari modifications/add ons new jens 11-25-2008 10:47 

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