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 Subject: RE: Atari Eagle Project
Author: x (
Date:   11-17-2008 22:49

I think most people would take aranym if they want a high speed tos clone.

Apple either will run into problems cause now they must tell why selling expensive HW based in Taiwan technology, while with EFI "emulation" on every PC MAC OS will run. Perhaps some Kernel patches are needed, but it runs.

I am either have doubts to get back the spirit of the 80s, just by writing a "new OS" based on TOS idea on an Intel technology.

The 80s, the ST was more. It was a lean but effective HW concept, based on an effective revolutionary OS (bad coded by DR ... ) equipped with an elegant CPU, the 68K. World has never seen before such a smart easy to program and effective uC.

So what I wanna tell, is ... built a CPU compatible with 68k... nx100Mhz ... fpga .... adapt TOS/GEM, add graphic chip either in fpga .... 24bit color ...... SD card HD ...etc.etc.

However this is time costly, most of us are 30+, having familiy children .....

I must wait unitl I am retired to start such projects ...

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari Eagle Project new renegade 09-20-2008 00:31 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new ggn 09-20-2008 07:59 
    MagiC (Off Topic) new informant 09-21-2008 10:49 
     RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new lp060 09-22-2008 03:29 
      RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new FatRakoon 09-22-2008 04:14 
       RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new informant 09-22-2008 19:57 
        RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new lp060 09-23-2008 06:49 
         RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new PeP 09-25-2008 10:22 
          RE: MagiC (Off Topic) new FatRakoon 09-27-2008 17:33 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new informant 09-22-2008 20:55 
    And the Coldfire TOS new informant 09-29-2008 17:55 
     RE: And the Coldfire TOS new PeP 10-06-2008 10:37 
      RE: And the Coldfire TOS new informant 10-06-2008 22:58 
      RE: And the Coldfire TOS new OL 10-24-2008 18:21 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new Scott 09-30-2008 09:48 
   and GEM/GEMDOS port to x86 new Nik 09-30-2008 11:51 
    RE: and GEM/GEMDOS port to x86 new PeP 10-06-2008 10:32 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new PeP 10-06-2008 10:36 
    RE: Atari Eagle Project new Michael Bernstein 10-08-2008 00:03 
     RE: Atari Eagle Project new PeP 10-08-2008 10:11 
      RE: Atari Eagle Project new Michael Bernstein 10-13-2008 15:37 
       RE: Atari Eagle Project new PeterS 10-15-2008 16:58 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project new Donovan Kokot 10-22-2008 07:51 
    RE: Atari Eagle Project new Miro Kropacek 10-22-2008 10:46 
    RE: Atari Eagle Project new PeP 10-22-2008 14:15 
     RE: Atari Eagle Project new Donovan Kokot 10-23-2008 15:50 
   RE: Atari Eagle Project  x 11-17-2008 22:49 
    RE: Atari Eagle Project new GWiz 11-17-2008 23:38 
     RE: Atari Eagle Project new Christos 11-18-2008 00:59 

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