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 Subject: RE: PSU for a PCI PSU?
Author: Damion (
Date:   04-23-2015 14:23

Just thought I would update.

I habe bought a couple of stupidly high end PSUs and they are both 15Amp 12V.

This SHOULD be more than I need but thats the plan... Better to have more than less I suppose.

It does also mean, that should I require it, I know I can upgrade or add CD/DVD internally with the extra IDE ports, providing things go well.

But, I have managed to get to try one out on the Falcon and PICO and it seems to run it perfectly, or as well as it normally is anyway... Which is at best... Crap.

 Topics Author  Date
  PSU for a PCI PSU? new Damion 01-25-2015 13:11 
   RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new The Paranoid 01-25-2015 20:53 
    RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Damion 01-26-2015 16:57 
     RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Paranoid / Paradox 01-26-2015 19:51 
     RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Zogging Hell 01-27-2015 12:06 
     RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new jvaltane 02-10-2015 11:11 
      RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Damion 02-15-2015 15:54 
       RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new jvaltane 02-16-2015 12:00 
        RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Damion 03-02-2015 15:43 
   RE: PSU for a PCI PSU?  Damion 04-23-2015 14:23 

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