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 Subject: RE: PSU for a PCI PSU?
Author: The Paranoid (
Date:   01-25-2015 20:53

Well, to be honest, i only understood half of your question. Also, it depends a lot on which PSU you try to replace - A 520ST's PSU is different from one of a MegaSTE or an SH205.

I tried to look up some details about the PSUs used by Atari and found a rather outdated revision of Michael Ruge's Chips'n Chips:

Search it for "Netzteil" and you will find some data in the third or fourth hit. You do know that you will also need +5V and -12V along with the +12V, don't you?

The Paranoid / Paradox

 Topics Author  Date
  PSU for a PCI PSU? new Damion 01-25-2015 13:11 
   RE: PSU for a PCI PSU?  The Paranoid 01-25-2015 20:53 
    RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Damion 01-26-2015 16:57 
     RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Paranoid / Paradox 01-26-2015 19:51 
     RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Zogging Hell 01-27-2015 12:06 
     RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new jvaltane 02-10-2015 11:11 
      RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Damion 02-15-2015 15:54 
       RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new jvaltane 02-16-2015 12:00 
        RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Damion 03-02-2015 15:43 
   RE: PSU for a PCI PSU? new Damion 04-23-2015 14:23 

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