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 Subject: RE: Search: MultiTos
Author: The Paranoid (
Date:   10-17-2001 11:03

To get this straight once and for all ;-)
MultiTOS _IS_ based on MiNT.
You cannot run MultiTOS without MiNT.
MultiTOS requires MiNT.

To say "MultiTOS is outdated, download MiNT
instead" is like saying "Mercedes cars are
no good, buy a car instead".

Besides that, MiNT is as complex as you want
it to be. If you want a shell-login, extended file systems and run a lot of Linux ports, installing and configuring MiNT is about as complex as installing and configuring Linux.
If you just want to run Atari applications in a Multi-tasking environment, putting MINT.PRG in your Auto-folder and set MINT.CNF up in a way that it automatically loads XaAES (free) or N.AES (commercial) is sufficient.

And that's not very complex, is it ? :-)

If didel really wants to run the original MultiTOS, i can have a look where i have my original MultiTOS disk.

The Paranoid

 Topics Author  Date
  Search: MultiTos new didel 10-16-2001 12:47 
   RE: Search: MultiTos new Atarigalen 10-16-2001 23:11 
    RE: Search: MultiTos new fatrakoon 10-17-2001 04:01 
     RE: Search: MultiTos  The Paranoid 10-17-2001 11:03 
      RE: Search: MultiTos new f 10-17-2001 19:41 
      RE: Search: MultiTos new fatrakoon 10-17-2001 19:41 
       RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-17-2001 21:02 
        RE: Search: MultiTos new fatrakoon 10-17-2001 23:46 
         RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-18-2001 10:25 
          RE: Search: MultiTos new Fat Rakoon 10-19-2001 19:55 
           RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-19-2001 21:12 
            RE: Search: MultiTos new Fat Rakoon 10-20-2001 01:32 
        RE: Search: MultiTos new jeff 10-19-2001 15:41 
         RE: Search: MultiTos new Fat Rakoon 10-19-2001 19:42 
         RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-19-2001 21:17 

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