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 Subject: RE: Search: MultiTos
Author: f (
Date:   10-17-2001 19:41

Yeah, I think we are missing something out here...

MultiTOS is MiNT of course it is, but, to compare MultiTOS is it is, with what can be acheived wit hnewer stuff, is silly, they are completely different.

I say that to get a good MiNT setup, you could start off with MultiTOS as that has a simple installation procedure, that is pretty much fool proof. You can then upgrade each part as you can or need to, to get it to where you want it.

I dont think thats a tall order?

the MINT.PRG from Multitos can be replaced with a newer version, as the MTOS version os older than a glacier, and its slower too, the AES can then be upgraded with NAES or AES 4.1 as they will improve it, and yes, extra filesystem and such like can be added should he wish it, but they are not vital to its running!

I fint MiNT as a basic system is really easy to setup and get going, but after just a few little extras, I start to lose the plot completely! - I suspect that someone else who does not even use MultiTOS never mind MiNT, would be in much the same boat at first, which is why I thought that doing it the MultiTOS way would be a godo idea.
I dont understand why I find MiNT such a chore, as I run our local Linux users group cluster for gods sake, and you need to know some hefty admin crap to do that, but MiNT?

Maybe going the MTOS way is not for you, but it was for me!

 Topics Author  Date
  Search: MultiTos new didel 10-16-2001 12:47 
   RE: Search: MultiTos new Atarigalen 10-16-2001 23:11 
    RE: Search: MultiTos new fatrakoon 10-17-2001 04:01 
     RE: Search: MultiTos new The Paranoid 10-17-2001 11:03 
      RE: Search: MultiTos  f 10-17-2001 19:41 
      RE: Search: MultiTos new fatrakoon 10-17-2001 19:41 
       RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-17-2001 21:02 
        RE: Search: MultiTos new fatrakoon 10-17-2001 23:46 
         RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-18-2001 10:25 
          RE: Search: MultiTos new Fat Rakoon 10-19-2001 19:55 
           RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-19-2001 21:12 
            RE: Search: MultiTos new Fat Rakoon 10-20-2001 01:32 
        RE: Search: MultiTos new jeff 10-19-2001 15:41 
         RE: Search: MultiTos new Fat Rakoon 10-19-2001 19:42 
         RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-19-2001 21:17 

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