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 Subject: RE: Search: MultiTos
Author: Adam Klobukowski (
Date:   10-17-2001 21:02

Well, lets talk about basics of our not as well known Atari as it seems...

Operating system found in Atari known as TOS (Tramiel Operating System) consist three main parts:


GEMDOS is part that is responsible for I/O and file handling, memory handling, etc.

GEM consists two parts: VDI (Visual Device Interafce - lin drawing, circle drawing, sprites drawing, etc.), AES (responsible for user interaction, window drawing/handlig, etc.)

XBIOS offers some extended functions and in most properly written software shouldn't use it

MiNT (now known in new enchaced form of FreeMiNT) is a only GEMDOS replacement. It replaces only it. It is possible to run FreeMiNT with only text shell without GEM.

MultiTOS consists old version of MiNT (developed by Atari) and AES (and uses ROM VDI).

Known VDI replecements are: N.VDI (commercial) Warp9 (commercial?) fVDI (free)

Known AES replecements are: N.AES (commercial), AES 4.0 (shipped orginally with MultiTOS), AES 4.1 (not relased oficially but avialible), XAaes (free)

There are no known XBIOS replecemnts (only some patches exists)

MagiC replaces both GEMDOS and AES (I don't know about VDI but I suppose no, XBIOS - don't know)

Please correct me if I'm wrong anywhere.

 Topics Author  Date
  Search: MultiTos new didel 10-16-2001 12:47 
   RE: Search: MultiTos new Atarigalen 10-16-2001 23:11 
    RE: Search: MultiTos new fatrakoon 10-17-2001 04:01 
     RE: Search: MultiTos new The Paranoid 10-17-2001 11:03 
      RE: Search: MultiTos new f 10-17-2001 19:41 
      RE: Search: MultiTos new fatrakoon 10-17-2001 19:41 
       RE: Search: MultiTos  Adam Klobukowski 10-17-2001 21:02 
        RE: Search: MultiTos new fatrakoon 10-17-2001 23:46 
         RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-18-2001 10:25 
          RE: Search: MultiTos new Fat Rakoon 10-19-2001 19:55 
           RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-19-2001 21:12 
            RE: Search: MultiTos new Fat Rakoon 10-20-2001 01:32 
        RE: Search: MultiTos new jeff 10-19-2001 15:41 
         RE: Search: MultiTos new Fat Rakoon 10-19-2001 19:42 
         RE: Search: MultiTos new Adam Klobukowski 10-19-2001 21:17 

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