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 Subject: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS
Author: Mark (
Date:   07-06-2000 01:15

I think we all accept that TOS has no more future. And Milan is the most acceptable path for *hardcore* Atarians to follows. I was thinking as the 68k processor isn`t being developed any more and we HAVE to seek a new processor and build us a new OS solution from scratch all over again. Would it be a good idea to use the new AmigaOS in a new Milan PPC computer system?!

The OS is supposed to be very fast and will run on PPC powered *classic* Amigas and a whole lot of other devices including Amiga`s new Amiga One computer. This would be a way to get ALOT of applications to the Milan platform! Let Amigans write those nice applications and games for their systems and we can utilize them without porting them! (And visa versa)

Any ideas?

 Topics Author  Date
  Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Mark 07-06-2000 01:15 
   RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new David Barkin 07-06-2000 02:14 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Mark 07-07-2000 01:52 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Evan Langlois 07-26-2000 08:01 
   RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Reddish 07-06-2000 06:43 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Noah Silva 07-06-2000 08:04 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Fredrik Olsson 07-06-2000 21:04 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new elliot 07-06-2000 21:36 
      RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Daniel Pettersson 07-10-2000 02:59 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Torbjörn J. 07-18-2000 04:00 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Flash 07-18-2000 07:16 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Evan Langlois 07-26-2000 08:07 
   RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Vido 07-06-2000 20:06 
    RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Mark 07-07-2000 01:49 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new GokMasE 07-11-2000 00:59 
     RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Guess who... 07-11-2000 11:42 
      RE: Milan PPC based on Amiga`s new OS new Torbjörn J. 07-18-2000 04:08 

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