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I just dug my 2600 atari out of the closet and hooked it up. It displays a perfect picture, and has good sound. It is hooked through the RF switchbox to the TV, but it will not display anything but a black and white picture. If you switch the B/W - color switch it changes contrast, but nothing else.

I opened it up, and used a composite adapter circuit so that I could hook it to modern tv sets, and when I hook the composite output to my commodore 64 1702 monitor, it shows great color, and the sound works well also.

When I hook it to any other normal TV, the picture is in B/W only again.

I have putzed with this thing all night...does anyone else have any idea what might be wrong?



 Topics Author  Date
  2600 woody won't output anything but blk & wht  marors1 02-23-2004 05:18 
   RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new Robyn Richards 03-01-2004 20:50 
    RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new marors1 03-07-2004 16:52 
     RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new Knightbaz 03-08-2004 16:34 
    RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new cobra429 04-28-2004 22:01 
   RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new cobra429 04-28-2004 22:09 
   RE: 2600 woody won't output anything but blk & new Marco 11-04-2007 16:21 

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