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 Subject: RE: Who has a CT60/63?
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   09-23-2007 04:56

Hiya mate... Cheers for the reply.
Im felling very much on my own with the miniscule help Im getting frmo all the places I have tried.

>>1. NVDI or no auto programs at all


I use a number of apps. you get used to them most of the time, such things as LEDPANEL, BOXKITE, NVDI of course, I also have the FDI_INIT ( Needed for CAF ), and as I use SPIN, I also have the MetaDOS stuff in there, and although there are tons more, most of it is only used andselected with SuperBoot for specific things, like FDI-INIT, ExtenDOS ( for when only using TOS ) WDialog, and so on.
Much of it I cannot do without, and if I had to not use it in order to use the CT63 then the CT63 simply isnt going to be worth losing all the power that half teh stuff gives me ( well, not only the Autio Programs, but the other extras such as BubbleGEM, TaskMan, Olga etc.

>> 2. Sorry, can't help you with MagiC.
>> I could patch the file for you, but I
>> wouldn't be able to test it out.

Hey, you sure?

That would be great mate.

Its the MAGIC.RAM file that Im stuck with, so I will EMail you that, plus the PRG thats supposed to be able to patch it and see what happens for you?

Let me try it on my TT or an ST first though, but in the meantime, whats your EMail addy so I can EMail you the files.

>> 3. Hmmm, have you tried a crack of CAF

I have legal versions of SCORE, AUDIO and 3.1 so I dont want to go and use a hookie version of the stuff I have paid for legally.
But, since you ask, yes, I have tried it. LOL

 Topics Author  Date
  Who has a CT60/63? new FatRakoon 09-21-2007 22:51 
   RE: Who has a CT60/63? new ggn 09-22-2007 11:46 
    RE: Who has a CT60/63?  FatRakoon 09-23-2007 04:56 
     RE: Who has a CT60/63? new ggn 09-23-2007 10:45 
      RE: Who has a CT60/63? new FatRakoon 10-03-2007 04:18 
   RE: Who has a CT60/63? new ThomasW 09-23-2007 14:56 
    RE: Who has a CT60/63? new FatRakoon 10-03-2007 04:21 
     RE: Who has a CT60/63? new CiH 10-03-2007 13:55 
      RE: Who has a CT60/63? new FatRakoon 10-10-2007 03:25 

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