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 Subject: RE: PSU for a PCI PSU?
Author: jvaltane (
Date:   02-10-2015 11:11


No 2A is not enough. You can use P=UI to calculate watts. so 12V * 2A = 24W. That is not even close to what is needed.

Second thing you should check how much watts Pico PSU is designed to give. For example I have 120W pico ATX adapter. That is maximum watts it can give. So I calculated what should be about OK A value for 120W. 120W / 12V = 10A (I=P/U) -> I bought 12V 10A PSU.

If your PSU gives more A:s that should be OK. If less that might be problem.

People has used 120W pico adapters with CT60 + SuperVidel + Svethlana + harddisk. I haven't heard anyone running ctpci with pico adapter so it is hard to say does it work with your setup

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