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 Subject: RE: multitasking environment
Author: Flash (
Date:   10-13-2001 23:03

Yo, I wasnīt talking about exp ports & SCSI3,
just the idea to put a 32 bit CPU in a 16 bit
machine, (and then put it to market as just a
32 bit system. At least they made most people
believe it was, and it seems like some folk
still do! I did, until I got the schematics)
-and leave 16 bits of the CPUs DATA bus OPEN!
Thatīs engineering! Iīm kinda excited that
it works at all... IMO an 16MHZ 68010 would
have been a better (and cheaper) choise since
it can use all of its 32bit registers. Needs
upper/lower DATA strobe signals, yes, and
(surprise, surprise) a quick look at the HYP-
text CHIPS&CHIPS 5.5, tells us that the Falcs
COMBEL chip DO have those signal outputs!
UDS at pin 171, LDS at pin 179. But they are
as much in use, as the 030īs DATA bit 0-15...
-Yes, of course I LOVE Tramiel! ;-)

> "Atari was designing inexpensive computers."

Sure! Back in ī93, we had to pay $1600 for
a Falcon, here in Sweden. Thatīs cheap...
I didnīt buy a new Falc, but I bought one of
the very first STEs in Sweden, payed $600+!

Atari choosed expandability, yes, but they
couldnīt give the STīs exp port an "write"
line, itīs read-only. Yes, I know you can
"write" to that port by some soft trix that
slows down the transfer rate even more...
Adding a "write" wonīt have costed THAT much?

> "If you don't like the computers, buy a PC"

No way, but weīre working on a better motherboard. :)
It doesnīt differ too much from the original
Falcon MB, just that it IS a full 32 bit,
supports SDRAM and can use 030/040/060.

I *like* the combination 68K/TOS, and as we
(so far) donīt have anything better, I stick with
my Falcon. Though I do have an AMD in my studio,
for Cubase VST. But only until my broken Falc
is repaired, then the pese is going straight
back to where I found it, the city dump! ;)

To fall back to this trees subject, I would
really like to use one of my 040 MACs instead
of that AMD, but then I canīt use MagiCMAC.
-Anyone know of any singletasking "MAC-TOS"??

 Topics Author  Date
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   RE: multitasking environment new The Paranoid 10-09-2001 13:18 
   RE: multitasking environment new Flash 10-09-2001 15:44 
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     RE: multitasking environment new FatRakoon 10-09-2001 22:56 
      RE: multitasking environment new GokMasE 10-10-2001 06:05 
       RE: multitasking environment new Shalroth 10-10-2001 11:58 
        RE: multitasking environment new FatRakoon 10-10-2001 23:41 
         RE: multitasking environment new shalroth 10-11-2001 11:55 
          RE: multitasking environment new FatRakoon 10-11-2001 20:02 
           RE: multitasking environment new Jo Even 10-12-2001 12:52 
           RE: multitasking environment new Shalroth 10-12-2001 13:48 
            RE: multitasking environment new jeff 10-12-2001 23:54 
             RE: multitasking environment new Flash 10-13-2001 02:30 
              RE: multitasking environment new jeff 10-13-2001 17:39 
               RE: multitasking environment new fatrakoon 10-13-2001 22:30 
               RE: multitasking environment new fatrakoon 10-13-2001 22:36 
               RE: multitasking environment  Flash 10-13-2001 23:03 
                RE: multitasking environment new Shalroth 10-15-2001 15:05 
                 RE: multitasking environment new Flash 10-15-2001 19:05 
             RE: multitasking environment new Shalroth 10-15-2001 12:54 

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