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 Subject: Steem - Bad keys
Author: Lyverbe (
Date:   12-21-2002 16:28

For some reason, the key mappings in Steems are screwed up suddenly.

"Q" = "A"
"A" = "Q"
"W" = "Z"
"Z" = "W"
"M" = ";"
";" = ","
"," = "M"
"'" = "4"
"-" = "6"
"=" = "/"

There are no shortcuts associated with these keys (in fact, I even tried deleting the shortcuts.dat file completely), the joystick config is set to "Never" everywhere, I've tried with/without Scroll Lock, with/without Num Lock, tried deleting my "Steem" folder and do a freshly new install of the latest version, tried TOS 2.06 and 1.02 (US), but I always end up with these keys.

Anyone ever had this problem?

 Topics Author  Date
  Steem - Bad keys  Lyverbe 12-21-2002 16:28 
   RE: Steem - Bad keys new havoc 12-21-2002 23:42 
   RE: Steem - Bad keys new Steem Authors 12-22-2002 17:02 
    RE: Steem - Bad keys new Lyverbe 12-23-2002 13:55 
     RE: Steem - Bad keys new Steem Authors 12-31-2002 22:33 
      RE: Steem - Bad keys new Lyverbe 01-04-2003 17:39 
       RE: Steem - Bad keys new Steem Authors 01-10-2003 01:26 
        RE: Steem - Bad keys new GEORGE GIVELEKIS 02-11-2003 11:41 

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