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 Subject: Atari STE or TT Question
Author: Michael (
Date:   12-10-2007 03:09

Hi !

I know there was some incompatability between the 520/1040ST and the Mega ST (i.e. the Blitter)

Now, was there compatability issues between the these and the STE/TT? If so, what problems? I'm looking into a project PC and was looking at the small footprint of the STE/TT over the Mega ST.

Comments ?

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari STE or TT Question  Michael 12-10-2007 03:09 
   RE: Atari STE or TT Question new lp 12-10-2007 05:06 
   RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Miro Kropacek 12-10-2007 11:40 
    RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Michael 12-10-2007 15:47 
     RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Scott 12-10-2007 18:26 
     RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Peter 12-10-2007 18:52 
     RE: Atari STE or TT Question new The Paranoid 12-10-2007 20:07 
      RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Michael 12-10-2007 21:57 
       RE: Atari STE or TT Question new The Paranoid 12-10-2007 23:27 
        RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Michael 12-11-2007 14:32 
         RE: Atari STE or TT Question new The Paranoid 12-11-2007 20:31 
          RE: Atari STE or TT Question new lp 12-12-2007 07:01 
       RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Scott 12-12-2007 11:27 
        RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Michael 12-12-2007 15:11 
         RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Scott 12-14-2007 00:11 
          RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Michael 12-14-2007 16:20 
        RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Michael 12-12-2007 15:12 
       RE: Atari STE or TT Question new GWiZ 12-12-2007 11:52 
        RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Peter 01-02-2008 12:50 
       RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 12-31-2007 17:12 
        RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Michael 01-01-2008 21:20 
         RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 01-02-2008 01:48 
          RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Peter 01-02-2008 12:43 
           RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 01-07-2008 01:28 
          RE: Atari STE or TT Question new shalroth 01-08-2008 18:51 
           RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 01-13-2008 23:50 
           RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 01-15-2008 14:47 
            RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Christos 01-15-2008 22:17 
             RE: Atari STE or TT Question new The Paranoid 01-15-2008 23:17 
              RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 01-21-2008 21:21 
               RE: Atari STE or TT Question new The Paranoid 01-22-2008 21:10 
                RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 01-31-2008 00:36 
                 RE: Atari STE or TT Question new The Paranoid 02-02-2008 00:26 
                  RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 02-02-2008 03:47 
             RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 01-21-2008 21:32 
         RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Peter 01-02-2008 12:49 

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