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 Subject: RE: Atari STE or TT Question
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   12-31-2007 17:12

I own a number of Atari Machines and I dont know where you got the sizes of the TT / MegaSTE boards, but they are bigger than you seem to think they are.

The Mega is possibly the smallest Board, but again, if you were to try to make a LapTop out of the Mega, then at best you will be walkign around with a LapTop that is not that far off the size of a Whole Desktop PC.

The MegaSTE and TT as well as the Falcon are the only Ataris that support Hard Drives on the board, and again, trying to make up a laptop based on those, then you might as well give the thign a 24" WideScreen TFT because it will look stupid with anything smaller.

Again, given the power requirements of the Atari, you are seriously going to have to consider a Car Battery & Power inverter... Pictures of Dom Jolly are coming into my head now.

Seriously, I would really really love to see you turn an Atari, into a LapTop I really would, but given the fact that Even ataris own effort was simply unviable due to it throttling the battery life, the chances of you doing it are close to zero.

If you proveme wrong then I will be the first to congradulate you, but you really need to do a load more homework than you have done before you take a step further.

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       RE: Atari STE or TT Question  FatRakoon 12-31-2007 17:12 
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             RE: Atari STE or TT Question new The Paranoid 01-15-2008 23:17 
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               RE: Atari STE or TT Question new The Paranoid 01-22-2008 21:10 
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                  RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 02-02-2008 03:47 
             RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 01-21-2008 21:32 
         RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Peter 01-02-2008 12:49 

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