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 Subject: Atari Falcon and Ste
Author: Anthony (
Date:   04-28-2021 08:39

I have gotten both systems to boot. The 1040STe and Falcon, a hard drive would help....working on that.

I am looking at image disks on line i recall i would download to Atari and write a floppy disk. I don't think I have a pc with a floppy drive.

I am awaiting a mouse for the systems. I think I will make din 9 extenders for the under keyboard Atari mouse ports.

( interestingly the Amiga 500 composite video out will display on a LCD but not on the other LCD monitor )

 Topics Author  Date
  Atari Falcon and Ste new Anthony 04-28-2021 08:39 
   RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new The Paranoid 04-28-2021 19:57 
    RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new Anthony 04-29-2021 14:27 
     RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new The Paranoid 04-29-2021 19:56 
      RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new Anthony 05-01-2021 10:48 
       RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new The Paranoid 05-01-2021 21:05 
        RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new Anthony 05-03-2021 10:41 
         RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new Anthony 05-05-2021 08:21 
          RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new Anthony 05-09-2021 05:12 
           RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new Damion 06-26-2022 22:57 
            RE: Atari Falcon and Ste new Hanno Sanders 05-22-2023 08:19 

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