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 Subject: RE: MiNT on emulator
Author: Damion (
Date:   08-10-2006 03:11

So, you say that MiNT is a bit faster these days or a lot faster?

I keep seeing people say that MiNT is faster than Magic, but from what I have seen, this is so far from the truth, that its just shocked me.

I have found Magic is near-instant whenever I do something, while MiNT has been... Well, its so slow, I dont bother on my proper Ataris. I only have it on a PC under GEMulator purely for a laugh, and its there for experiments.

I simply cannot take it seriously at all.

Also, Magic 6.2 & Jinnee 2.5 on an STE is about 6 or 7 times quicker than MiNT & NAES2 is on a TT, or at least thats what they were when I put it on them.

I think MiNT needs to be at a very minimum 4 times better for me to bother trying it.

I do however have MiNT 1.6 Ready to play, so I might give it a shot in the next few weeks, when I have a bit more time to myself.

I need to see what EasyMiNT is like I suppose?

 Topics Author  Date
  MiNT on emulator new DWhyte 01-28-2006 01:55 
   RE: MiNT on emulator new Francois LE COAT 01-28-2006 08:40 
   RE: MiNT on emulator new Damion 07-31-2006 05:14 
    RE: MiNT on emulator new Christos 07-31-2006 08:07 
     RE: MiNT on emulator new GokMasE 08-01-2006 13:12 
      RE: MiNT on emulator  Damion 08-10-2006 03:11 
       RE: MiNT on emulator new Christos 08-10-2006 11:25 
        RE: MiNT on emulator new GokMasE 08-10-2006 11:36 
        RE: MiNT on emulator new Damion 08-29-2006 23:29 
         RE: MiNT on emulator new Christos 08-30-2006 00:21 
          RE: MiNT on emulator new Anders Eriksson 09-02-2006 18:36 
          RE: MiNT on emulator new Damion 09-04-2006 01:32 
           RE: MiNT on emulator new GokMasE 09-05-2006 22:41 

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