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 Subject: RE: MiNT on emulator
Author: Anders Eriksson (
Date:   09-02-2006 18:36

A lot of confusions here.

First of all, FreeMiNT as in the kernel isn't much faster than before. What has happened is that XaAES has moved into a kernel module, and there's where the speed has kicked in.

About XaAES and EasyMiNT: Only the latest update of EasyMiNT has a recent XaAES and a recent kernel. Older EasyMiNT will have a really really outdated XaAES bundled which is heaps slower.

The reason why Damion got 40 column terminal is that he has not cofigured his Falcon to boot in 80 columns. That's done in NVRAM.

And to answer the initial question, MiNT on emulator.

Get Aranym ( It's by far the best alternative if you want FreeMiNT and not play ST games or demos.

Anders Eriksson

 Topics Author  Date
  MiNT on emulator new DWhyte 01-28-2006 01:55 
   RE: MiNT on emulator new Francois LE COAT 01-28-2006 08:40 
   RE: MiNT on emulator new Damion 07-31-2006 05:14 
    RE: MiNT on emulator new Christos 07-31-2006 08:07 
     RE: MiNT on emulator new GokMasE 08-01-2006 13:12 
      RE: MiNT on emulator new Damion 08-10-2006 03:11 
       RE: MiNT on emulator new Christos 08-10-2006 11:25 
        RE: MiNT on emulator new GokMasE 08-10-2006 11:36 
        RE: MiNT on emulator new Damion 08-29-2006 23:29 
         RE: MiNT on emulator new Christos 08-30-2006 00:21 
          RE: MiNT on emulator  Anders Eriksson 09-02-2006 18:36 
          RE: MiNT on emulator new Damion 09-04-2006 01:32 
           RE: MiNT on emulator new GokMasE 09-05-2006 22:41 

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