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 Subject: RE: Atari STE or TT Question
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   01-21-2008 21:32

For yonks, I was adamant that the TT had one... Or at least mine did.

I have only the TT and the Flacon and a stock STE left now, but a while back, I had one of each ( MegaST, MegaSTE also ) all setup together and I found the MegaSTE and the Falcon were the same thing but with more colours and the TT was so much quicker than the Falcon.

I alos felt the screen display on the Falcon was seriously poor compared to the TT and I felt that the TT gained a massive jolt when running NVDI while the Falcon gained near to no speed improvement at all.

I have not run any comparisons I will admit, and I have not put the mhead to head but this made me keep ditching the Falcon and going back to my TT purely because the TT was really so much quicker than the Falcon.

This is now my third falcon, and its only because I now have a CT63 that I have stuck with it, but to be totally honest, even though the Falcon has a Blitter and the TT does not, the graphics on the Falcon are disgustingly slow compared to the TT.

Now, in this, I only mean the General Desktop, however, GEMBENCH also backed up those figures for me.

I have not as I said run the TT vs the Falcon in 640x480x16 with the same apps running... This is somethign I do fancy having a look at in the near future.

Anyway, what I am saying is that the Falcon didnt feel like it had a blitter because I was unable to enable/disable it and NVDI made no improvement while the TT really shone with NVDI and as it may have been, I was able to enable/disable it... But that could have been on the MSTE?

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          RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Peter 01-02-2008 12:43 
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                  RE: Atari STE or TT Question new FatRakoon 02-02-2008 03:47 
             RE: Atari STE or TT Question  FatRakoon 01-21-2008 21:32 
         RE: Atari STE or TT Question new Peter 01-02-2008 12:49 

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