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 Subject: RE: Looking....
Author: fatrakoon (
Date:   10-02-2001 20:13

Yes, I agree completely with the other 2 replies.

If you look around, you can often pick up a 1MB STE for absolutely next to nothing.

As an example, I picked up a 520STE for a fiver a few weeks ago, and the guy who sold it me said he had some other atari bits, I said I would look at them, and there was a whole load of gear including games, Monitor, External Floppy, and 2 whole other ( not-working ) ST's, and he gave me the lot for a tenner.

So, the bargains are out there!

I have paid £150 for one TT, and £70 for the other, so thats a great bargain, my father paid £50 for his falcon, and that too is somethign you should jump at, but I will be honest with you, but this sort of bargain comes along once in a blue-moon, and its usually snapped up my someone before you get to find it ( That someone is often me! )

Even if you get a low-ram STE, you can often use PC Simms quite happily, I have done a few STE's up to 4MB and a lot of them do and some dont work with PC simms, but the price of simms is next to nothing anyway, so its worth a gamble!

 Topics Author  Date
  Looking.... new Severino C. M. 10-02-2001 12:50 
   RE: Looking.... new Gingerwilly17 10-02-2001 14:24 
   RE: Looking.... new Alex from Mannheim 10-02-2001 15:58 
   RE: Looking....  fatrakoon 10-02-2001 20:13 
   RE: Looking.... new Facundo 10-02-2001 21:11 
    RE: Looking.... new Franny 10-02-2001 22:10 
    RE: Looking.... new fatrakoon 10-02-2001 22:41 
     RE: Looking.... new Shalroth 10-02-2001 23:42 
      RE: Looking.... new Severino C. M. 10-03-2001 18:02 
     RE: Looking.... new The Paranoid 10-04-2001 09:35 
      RE: Looking.... new Flash/FLC 10-04-2001 10:37 
       RE: Looking.... new Shalroth 10-04-2001 13:12 
        RE: Looking.... new Flash/FLC 10-05-2001 01:20 
         RE: Looking.... new Alex from Mannheim 10-05-2001 03:45 
          RE: Looking.... new shalroth 10-05-2001 14:48 
           RE: Looking.... new Flash/FLC 10-05-2001 20:12 
            RE: Looking.... new shalroth 10-08-2001 17:37 
          RE: Looking.... new Flash/FLC 10-06-2001 01:15 
           RE: Looking.... new FatRakoon 10-06-2001 20:11 

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