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 Subject: RE: Looking....
Author: Shalroth (
Date:   10-02-2001 23:42

I notice nobody suggested he use a 130XE...:P

Of all my Ataris, the Falcon was the one I was themost excited about getting. It was the one I drooled long over in the pages of ST format magazine, and though I love my TT and Mega (and STFM, STE, Pofo...) I'm proudest to own a falcon. (well, that and my Hawk Vertical Computer prototype)

My band uses it all the time, our other recording machine is my Pentium III-1400MHz machine with 512MB of RAM, and 40GB hard disc...we *ONLY* ever use it when I forget to bring the Falcon, or I'm playing games on it (Erm, encoding MPEGs! Honest!!)

And there's the famous story of how my friend sold his top-of-the-range PC to buy a falcon after playing with mine.

I paid £210 for a basic 4MByte falcon with a 520MB Internal disc, and I got an external 540MB disc from a mac dealer (for a fiver...I thought it was just the enclosure and I was prepared to pay a tenner for that! That's another story though). That seems to be the average price - around £200/DM400 will get you a nice falcon (OK, mine was a little basic but it was mint condition, in original box with original polys and internal bags).

Yeah dude, get a falcon. Or a 130XE.

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          RE: Looking.... new shalroth 10-05-2001 14:48 
           RE: Looking.... new Flash/FLC 10-05-2001 20:12 
            RE: Looking.... new shalroth 10-08-2001 17:37 
          RE: Looking.... new Flash/FLC 10-06-2001 01:15 
           RE: Looking.... new FatRakoon 10-06-2001 20:11 

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