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 Subject: RE: Looking....
Author: Flash/FLC (
Date:   10-05-2001 01:20

Well, the Falcon has a 32 bit CPU, but only
bit 16-32 of the 030īs DATA bus are connected
to the motherboard. Bit 0-15 are left open,
not connected to anything, and thatīs why I
consider it a 16 bit. Is that "very wrong"?

Someone said that the Falc was first built
around an 16MHZ 68000, and the 030 was a last
minute change. I kinda believe that, because
it not only have a 16 bit DATA bus, it also
only have a 24 bit ADRESS bus, just like the
68000 have. ADR bit 25-32 on the 030 are also
left open, and thatīs why the Falc canīt
adress more than 16 MB. Sad, but true...

AND, when I swapped the 16MHZ 030 in my Falc
for a 33MHZ one, I took a close look at the
motherboard to verify that. I can tell that
those pins ARE left open. :( Sorry, mate.

If you donīt believe this, please have a look
at the original schematics for the Falc,
I think they can be DLīed from Wezz.
(else, I can mail it to you :)

BTW, IF the Falc had full 32 bit buses, it
would have been much faster than the TT... ;)


 Topics Author  Date
  Looking.... new Severino C. M. 10-02-2001 12:50 
   RE: Looking.... new Gingerwilly17 10-02-2001 14:24 
   RE: Looking.... new Alex from Mannheim 10-02-2001 15:58 
   RE: Looking.... new fatrakoon 10-02-2001 20:13 
   RE: Looking.... new Facundo 10-02-2001 21:11 
    RE: Looking.... new Franny 10-02-2001 22:10 
    RE: Looking.... new fatrakoon 10-02-2001 22:41 
     RE: Looking.... new Shalroth 10-02-2001 23:42 
      RE: Looking.... new Severino C. M. 10-03-2001 18:02 
     RE: Looking.... new The Paranoid 10-04-2001 09:35 
      RE: Looking.... new Flash/FLC 10-04-2001 10:37 
       RE: Looking.... new Shalroth 10-04-2001 13:12 
        RE: Looking....  Flash/FLC 10-05-2001 01:20 
         RE: Looking.... new Alex from Mannheim 10-05-2001 03:45 
          RE: Looking.... new shalroth 10-05-2001 14:48 
           RE: Looking.... new Flash/FLC 10-05-2001 20:12 
            RE: Looking.... new shalroth 10-08-2001 17:37 
          RE: Looking.... new Flash/FLC 10-06-2001 01:15 
           RE: Looking.... new FatRakoon 10-06-2001 20:11 

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