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Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   12-20-2008 04:56

>>You just connected the 7404 w.o. knowing where the wires should go? Are you nuts?

No, I connected the wires EXACTLY how Rodolphe Czuba Explained to me... I did put that in the previous post.

It still did not work.

>>"When applying the 7404 IC, I did not remove the resistors. "
>>OK, this is wrong. You've merged the original clock with the signal from the 74 circuit. That won't work.

Yes, I accept that.
But, the original patch was a bloody awful mess and while I have done my best to clean this mess up and restore the board to original, I do not know what I need to do, to put a new 7404 or 7408 IC back and restore a patch to it.

Hence these posts.

So, please, rather than tell me what I already know and that the patch I tried to do is wrong, can you please let me know of a way that I can use a 7408 or a 7404 to patch it properly?


FWIW: I have found this in my Archives...
This is, I assume what the 7408 is supposed to be and therefore it should be correct?

This is clearly NOTHING like I was told that the 7404 should be?

In the diagram, Pins 12+13 are shorted as are 10+9
While there are 4 wires coming from it, as well as the 2 pins that are connected to the GAL that it sits on top, onmy 7404 pin 1 is one of these wires while in the diagram, pin 8 is present?

So, I know that I have done what I have been told to do, but maybe I have been confused by my memory of this diagram, plus also knowing what the original mess was previously, but I have followed Rodolphe's instructions to the letter, and I have made no mistakes, I have run through them over and over again double checking and checking a third time and more and I have done it exactly as he says, but I only get the video signal error at best.

So, is the diagram correct, and if so, does it make any difference as to what type of 7408 I use?

Please help me, dont just knock me if I get anything wrong like last time, thats not productive at all.

I have backed off my Falcon for a few months now to make a fresh approach at it and I need help to make it work right.

Thank you.

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              RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 17:46 
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         RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 07:55 
          RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 10:24 
           RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 15:12 
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             RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 17:44 
              RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-23-2008 08:45 
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            RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-27-2008 20:15 
             RE: PATCH new PeP 12-27-2008 20:18 

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