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 Subject: RE: PATCH
Author: FatRakoon (
Date:   12-26-2008 22:04


The Time is most certainly being kept just fine

The year is too!

But the DAY & MONTH are out!

I set it on the 24th December 2008 and according to the Falcon its now the 25th of October 2008

Im not going to set it and I will keep my eye on it here and there.

The Temperature thingy is now coming back up all the time too and that needs to be addressed...

Now get this...

It is now absolutely 100% rock steady stable in Magic... I have not had it crash once under normal use.

Now, I have had it hang on me when Im testing things out for sure, but I am trying to, to see what I can and cannot get away with, but, I have thrown absolutely shed loads of junk at it, all running like crazy and it has not yet shafted itself.

Well happy with that... I have had HBASIC running a load of stuff, CAB 2.8 with pages open, WED with pages open, IMGCOPY with tons of images open and I have actually used up over 50MB of RAM and its just done its job.
Well happy.

Now comes the really funny one.

Under MiNT its been bloody awful.

Go figure?

Anyway, small update.

 Topics Author  Date
  FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-17-2008 12:10 
   RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-17-2008 12:42 
    RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-19-2008 03:11 
     RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-19-2008 13:35 
      RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-20-2008 04:56 
       RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-20-2008 09:02 
        RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-20-2008 12:45 
         RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new Spetz 12-20-2008 17:57 
          RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-20-2008 18:17 
        RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-20-2008 20:39 
         RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-21-2008 09:18 
          RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 07:38 
           RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 10:19 
            RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 15:04 
             RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 17:05 
              RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 17:46 
        RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new The Paranoid 12-20-2008 22:12 
         RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 07:55 
          RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 10:24 
           RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 15:12 
            RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 17:03 
             RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 17:44 
              RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-23-2008 08:45 
   PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 15:59 
    RE: PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 17:06 
     RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 19:46 
      RE: PATCH new PeP 12-23-2008 08:46 
       RE: PATCH new Falcon060 12-24-2008 21:54 
        RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-24-2008 22:56 
        RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-25-2008 00:48 
        RE: PATCH  FatRakoon 12-26-2008 22:04 
         RE: PATCH new PeP 12-27-2008 11:01 
          RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-27-2008 13:34 
           RE: PATCH new PeP 12-27-2008 20:05 
            RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-27-2008 20:15 
             RE: PATCH new PeP 12-27-2008 20:18 

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