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Author: PeP (
Date:   12-22-2008 10:24

Rodolphe sent you the 7404 w.o. instructions because he expected you to be able to dig up the answers yourself like *everyone* else. Based on our previous discussions, I can understand if Rod doesn't want to engage in technical discussions with you.

I think your problem is your inability to follow *one* path at a time. It's like you try to do everything at once, and in the process you completely fail to follow other peoples instructions. People get pissed off at you, and then you blame everyone for your troubles (claiming that noone provides helpful information - which is complete bullshit).

I told you to remove the clock patch, because it is usually not needed on the CT6x, and might cause more harm than good. But then again, all falcon motherboards are different, and maybe you need it anyway. Different falcons require different patches. These patches are not difficult to perform, and the information is available on the net.

 Topics Author  Date
  FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-17-2008 12:10 
   RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-17-2008 12:42 
    RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-19-2008 03:11 
     RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-19-2008 13:35 
      RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-20-2008 04:56 
       RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-20-2008 09:02 
        RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-20-2008 12:45 
         RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new Spetz 12-20-2008 17:57 
          RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-20-2008 18:17 
        RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-20-2008 20:39 
         RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-21-2008 09:18 
          RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 07:38 
           RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 10:19 
            RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 15:04 
             RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 17:05 
              RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 17:46 
        RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new The Paranoid 12-20-2008 22:12 
         RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 07:55 
          RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH  PeP 12-22-2008 10:24 
           RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 15:12 
            RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 17:03 
             RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 17:44 
              RE: FALCON SCSI FIX PATCH new PeP 12-23-2008 08:45 
   PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 15:59 
    RE: PATCH new PeP 12-22-2008 17:06 
     RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-22-2008 19:46 
      RE: PATCH new PeP 12-23-2008 08:46 
       RE: PATCH new Falcon060 12-24-2008 21:54 
        RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-24-2008 22:56 
        RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-25-2008 00:48 
        RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-26-2008 22:04 
         RE: PATCH new PeP 12-27-2008 11:01 
          RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-27-2008 13:34 
           RE: PATCH new PeP 12-27-2008 20:05 
            RE: PATCH new FatRakoon 12-27-2008 20:15 
             RE: PATCH new PeP 12-27-2008 20:18 

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