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 Subject: RE: reality and possibilities
Author: replicant (
Date:   06-11-2003 22:55

OK, thanks for pointing out that you're not the same person as Alex withou the 'F.'.

I understand it's not very realistic when I speak about 'the masses'. Of course I think it would be great to see a coldfire machine (whatever cloclspeed). And of course only a few hundred users will but it. But imagine you would get a coldfire machine without the deese. Would you buy it for €500? Een when a PC can do the same but cheaper and faster? Maybe I would, maybe not.

My point is: When one start thinking to design a clone, it won't hurd to think 'as if' you are making something revolutionary, something that will turn the market around.

When doing the actual design you'd reach automatically the point where you are forced to make some realistic choices: No custom asics, but a FPGA instead etc. Maybe the FPGA can't cope with fast ddr memory, ok, put in 'old' PC133.

But In the beginning it won't hurd to dream of something revolutionary.

Still, with the recent developments maybe there is a chance to see some revolutionary machines. Motorola wants to sell it's desktopprocessordevision, what would happen if hitachi would buy it and desiged a 300 MHz 68070 with build in dsp or something? Or what to think of genisi who are producing a 600MHz amiga clone and who have plans to license the name atari for their new 1 to 1,4 GHz G4PPC? Or IBM who's making the ppc970 64bit cpu? Czuba finishet the ct060, maybe we get a coldfire clone etc. etc.

It won't hurd to dream, although I understand your point that we have to be realistic I think the larger the potential market for a clone is, the easier it is to get sample IC's, development kits etc. from suppliers.

ahhh... I don't have the answers...

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       RE: A New MIDI Atari? new Damion 06-09-2003 23:26 
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             RE: I DO want to continue new replicant 06-14-2003 01:16 
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           RE: A New MIDI Atari? new Johan Klockars 06-14-2003 00:07 
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      RE: A New MIDI Atari? new Damion 06-09-2003 23:31 
   RE: A New MIDI Atari? new GD 06-09-2003 10:06 
    RE: A New MIDI Atari? new Ragstaff 06-09-2003 13:47 
     RE: A New MIDI Atari? new velvetfr 06-09-2003 15:17 
      RE: A New MIDI Atari? new Alex F. 06-09-2003 16:12 
    RE: A New MIDI Atari? new tero 06-09-2003 18:50 

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